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Ideas that could be patentedCa. 6233 ord. - but which cannot be patented as I have published the ideas here.Battery powered container vessels2009-09-06Shipping by sea pollutes very little if measured by the CO2 produced to move 1 kg payload 1 kilometer. However, even so shipping still produces a lot of CO2. This could be brought down if the vessels ran on electricity and the electricity was generated in a CO2-neutral manner. Vessels are not affected much by weight, so it is possible to use heavy batteries. The batteries should be packed in shipping containers so the can be changed at the ports using existing container cranes. As the batteries should be good for traveling a month at sea they will be depleted very slowly. Therefore they will not run hot thus not require cooling, and it will be possible to utilize all the energy stored in the battery by draining it slowly. At the port the containers will be swapped for recharged containers. The depleted containers will be treated as a reefer container and plugged into the electrical grid just like a reefer container. It will then be recharged. At the port the batteries can work as backup power in countries where the electricity supply is bad. If the port has a CO2-neutral source of electricity these batteries can be recharged CO2-neutrally - thus making shipping CO2-neutral. As ports are close to the sea it should be possible to build sea based windmills or wavemills for powergeneration. It is not a problem if the mills cannot generate power 100% of the time, as the batteries do not require power 100% of the time. SMS engangskodeord skal indeholde transaktionen2009-03-03Engangskodeord fra banken skal også indeholde resume af transaktionen, så en angriber, der overtager skærmen, ikke kan lokke mig til at signere noget forkert. Mobiltelefon betalt af reklame2009-03-03Reklamen er når du ringer til mig, så spiller reklamen for dig, indtil jeg tager røret. Musik smagsnetvaerk med ophavretsbeskyttet musik2009-03-03Ligesom iRate, men skal også inkludere de MP3-filer, som jeg selv har rippet. F.eks. Depeche Mode. De kan ikke downloades via iRate, men det kan være med til at finde lignende værker, som andre også kan lide. Navnene på værkerne skal være fra freedb. Derved sikres at andre, der har den samme plade, kalder MP3-filen det samme. Taste network for consumers2009-03-03Ebay makes it possible to vote for a seller/buyer. But the vote is no matter your own background. It may be better to vote based on your taste network. People like you may like a certain kind of goods and have certain requirements for a good trade, whereas people like me may like other goods and have other requirements. Ideas for use of finger print reader2009-03-03Finger print reader can be used for selecting different functions (e.g. colour in a paint program) depending on:
Electric kettle and thermos2009-03-03Combine an electric water boiler with a thermo. To re-heat the coffee in the thermo, just plug it in. It needs some engineering to make sure it is safe to use when the water is boiling (e.g. it cannot be airtight at any pressure level). Maybe a thermostat, so water can only be 98 degrees. USB solar panel2009-03-03USB is being used for charging devices. A solar panel can charge a single device or multiple devices if connected to a USB-hub. To make it portable the panel should be foldable. It might be useful to include a battery, so you can leave the panel in the sun to recharge the battery and then charge the device during the night. Wireless Internet in trains and busses2009-03-03Buy a Wimax modem and a wireless access point with USB. Make a catchall portal. Sell access that is timed to the longest journey. Maybe in cooperation with other wireless sellers. Sponsoring of video2009-03-03One of the problems of transmitting video for free, is that you do not earn anything from it. If you put in commercials, you do not know, if the commercials where well received or not. By using the internet you can tailor the commercials to each person's likes. After each commercial the user is asked to click: "Was this a good commercial?" If the user clicks yes, he will later be shown other commercial that other people who clicked yes to this commercial liked (taste network). Thereby the video broadcaster will only show relevant commercial and annoy the viewers less. If you click 'no' to all commercials you will just get a random selection of commercials. ATM security picture2009-03-03A problem with an ATM is that you do not know if the ATM has been changed so criminal can get a copy of your card and PIN. Criminals may attach a camera or a card swiper. But ATMs are often different, so it is not clear to see if the ATM has been changed if you have never seen it before. On the start screen of the ATM it can have a photo of the actual ATM and a close up of the keypad and the card slot. If the keypad and the card slot is different than the picture, you should report it to the bank and not use the ATM. Spamfiltrering på sprog og charset2009-03-03Jeg forstår dansk, engelsk og tysk. Hvis jeg modtager mail på andre sprog (defineret som stavekontrol på sproget giver færrest stavefejl) så skal de have høj spamranking. Hvis de ankommer i andre charset end jeg normalt kan læse eller består af bogstaver, som jeg normalt markerer som spam: Så er det også spam. Meeting room with dynamic updated data on the door2009-03-03When standing outside a meeting room it would be nice to know who has booked it. Next to the door you could put a digital photo frame that would be updated with booking information for the day/next few days. Smagsnetvaerk på email2009-03-03Hvis jeg modtager samme email som mine venner, og de laeser den, saa er den sandsynligvis ogsaa interessant for mig. Problem: Hvordan sikres privacy? Hvilke tilfaelde har vi, hvor det er interessant for mig at vide, om mine venner har laest en given email? Du skal naturligvis ikke kunne faa en liste over emails, som vennen har laest, men kun kunne spoerge, om han har laest den email med MD5-sum M. Dating matching via email2009-03-03Man tilmelder sig dating service med hvad man er og hvad man leder efter - som minimum køn, men måske også alder. Al ens email bliver sendt i kopi til dating service. Dating service finder så en partner ud fra indholdet i ens mails. Hvis begge modtager mails, der handler om det samme, så er der nok et match (f.eks. begge er aktive i et politisk parti). Det kræver en vis tillid til dating bureauet at give dem en kopi af al mail. Ringtones (heard by receiver)2009-03-03Ringtones can be dependant on the sender of the SMS. If allowed, the sender is allowed to transmit the ringtone. Ringtones (heard by caller)When the caller is ringing and waiting for the receiver to accept the call, he should hear a song picked by me. The song should be dependent on who is calling.Fridge with drawers2009-03-03If a fridge has a lot of shelves you can utilize the space more efficiently and there by have more stuff in your fridge. But the shelves are usually not very tall if there are many of them. This makes it hard to reach the innermost things - often you cannot even see them. To solve this the fridge should have transparent drawers instead of shelves. By using drawers it is easy to see stuff that is innermost. Drawers will also protect if a liquid is seeping out as it will stay in the drawer and not mess up further down. Some fridges have drawers for vegetables. This are fine for vegetables, but too tall for other use. To get the idea accepted at the market you should be able to interchange drawers and shelves. Bouncing device for prams2009-03-03Children in prams would like to have their pram bounced gently. This can be time consuming to bounce the pram until junior sleep. If junior wakes up you have to bounce again. To solve this have a small engine hanging of the handle bar of the pram. The engine will lift itself and battery up and down creating a bouncing rythm. The speed should self adjust to find the optimal speed, which is the frequency when the pram bounces up and down with least force (self harmonic frequency). Text+video phone for elderly hearing impaired2009-03-03Elderly people loose touch with people when their hearing is so bad that they cannot hear what is said on the phone. Some elderly have normal eyesight and can easily read letters that are 3 cm tall. Many of them cannot write fast on the keyboard, but have not problem speaking. The device consists of a screen (e.g. a laptop computer), a microphone (e.g. a laptop computer with microphone connected), a physical input device (e.g. the keyboard) and a visual alarm (e.g. a laptop computer with a rotating light connected). When someone calls the device, it will blink with the rotating light. When the elderly presses a key the connection is established, and the microphone will start recording - sending the sound to the caller. The caller will write the message. Pressing enter will send the message to the receiver. The message is display in big letters on the screen, so it is readable. The size of the letters is adjustable by both caller and receiver. If the message is longer than one screen, it will require the receiver to press a key to scroll. The caller can also remotely press the scroll key. Sending a new message will show the old message in gray followed by the new message. The connection can be terminated both by caller and receiver. But can only be established if both accept. However, the caller can at any time leave a message. This will cause the visual alarm to blink until the receiver presses a key. This way a caller, who can type, can communicate with a receiver, who can speak. Extension of this idea includes a speech-to-text system, so the caller can just speak to have the text written. Sentence checking via Google2009-03-03After you have spell checked your text you would like to see if you forgot a word or used a word in the wrong tense. Others have probably written a similar sentence, so searching google for the sentence may give hints on areas of interest. For every block of words (4 words):
TV commercial dependant on live show2009-03-03In the commercial break: if the sports team won: Send commercial 1. If they lost: Commercial 2. If they drew: Commercial 3. Commercial 1 may be something about being a winner. Commercial 2 will be something about there are other things in life than winning. Commercial 3 will be something about being given a second chance. The commercials may be from different companies. If the weather forecast shows rain: Send commercial 1. If sun: Send commercial 2. Commercial 1 may be: Book a vacation to a sunny destination. Commercial 2 may be for a local outdoor attraction. This idea can be used if we know something is going to happen (e.g. election, weather, sports), but we do not know the outcome in advance. So the commecial will only be chosen at the point when we know the outcome (typically minutes before). Stove with thermometer2009-03-03When cooking will be nice if you could make sure your dish will not boil amok so the soup will be all over the stove. This can be avoided if the stove has a thermometer e.g. an infrared thermometer over each burner. Each burner can then be set to a given temperatur and the burner will reduce the heating when it gets to the wanted temperature and increase the heating when it gets below the wanted temperature. There is normally no need to boil water. Often 98 degrees is enough. Energy wise it is cheaper to reach 98 degrees than 100 degress, so should be one of the default settings. Another default setting should be for slowly re-heating food (around 50 degrees). Automatisk test til at skelne mellem menneske og maskine2009-03-03Lav en 3D-scene med en række let genkendelige elementer. F.eks hund, person, træ, sky, flaske, terning, pyramide, bil. Elementerne skal kunne genkendes af seende mennesker (herunder folk i U-lande). Derfor skal elementerne være noget, som ikke har ændret udseende væsentligt i de sidste 50-100 år. Hvert element har et eller flere punkter, som kan identificeres:
Elementerne placeres automatisk tilfældigt, så ingen punkter overlapper. Elemeterne må gerne overlappe. Der sættes lys tilfældigt, og baggrunden vælges tilfældigt. Nu skal personen svare på, hvilke bogstaver der står ved 10 tilfældigt udvalgte punkter. Hvis han ikke kan se alle punkter, skal han trykke: "Gentegn", som vil placere elementerne tilfældigt igen og tegne med ny lyssætning. Han må trykke "Gentegn" 2 gange. Hvis han stadig ikke kan se det eller hvis han tager mere end 1 minut om opgaven, vælges nye bogstaver og der tegnes igen. Tegningerne kan genereres på forhånd, så man ikke kan overbelaste maskinen ved at requeste mange tegninger. F.eks. ved at have 1000 nye tegninger fra 3 vinkler på lager, hvoriblandt der vælges tilfældigt. Hver nat bliver de brugte overskrevet med et tilsvarende antal ny-genererede. Postbox med scanner2009-03-03Man får en postbox på en fysisk adresse. Her sender man al fysisk post hen og den bliver så skannet og emailet til en. Man kan dermed flytte rundt eller være på ferie i længe. Scanningen bliver foretaget af en person. Posten bliver herefter opbevaret til afhentning eller sendt til den rigtige adresse med jævne mellemrum. Claim of ownership database2009-03-03Database over formodentlig ejer af ting (Claim of ownership database). Folk registrerer deres ting i en offentlig database med så meget information som muligt. F.eks. billede, farve, beskrivelse, serienummer. Databasen genererer en anonym email adresse, hvor man kan blive kontaktet. Når man køber en brugt vare, kan man søge efter den i databasen. Hvis man finder tingen, kontakter man den formodentlige ejer for at høre, om han stadig mener at eje den. Hvis han siger, at han har solgt den videre, så er det fint. Hvis hvis han siger, at den er stjålet, kan han nu få tingen igen. Databasen gøres tilgængelig på en sådan måde, at den let kan integreres i salgssteder på nettet, så hvis man sælger en brugt cykel på nettet, bliver den automatisk checket op i mod databasen. Mail til ukendte advarsel2009-03-03Hvis du sender mail til folk, som du ikke tidligere enten har sendt til eller modtaget fra, skal der komme en advarsel. Derved kan du undgå uheldige situationer, hvor du kommer til at sende noget fortroligt til nogen, du slet ikke kender. Hvis du modtager mail fra folk, som du ikke tidligere enten har sendt til eller modtaget fra, skal de få en højere spam score. Søgning i de sider du allerede har set2009-03-03Ofte vil man gerne finde en side, som man tidligere har set. Derfor skal der kun søges i sider, som jeg tidligere har været på. Det kan gøres i browseren, idet alle sider kan historiseres der. Det kan også gøres i søgemaskinen, men kun for de sider, som man er kommet direkte til via søgemaskinen og altså ikke hvis man har fundet "naboen". Voice og video blogging2009-03-03Det skal være nemt at lave en blog med videoklip og audioklip. Der skal automatisk laves til transcript og indekseres. Transcript skal kunne rettes manuelt for transkriptionsfejl. Implicit smagsnetværk i computersøgninger2009-03-03Når folk søger og finder noget, som de kan lide, og du søger på det samme, og kan lide det samme (as in forlader søgemaskinen); så kommer du tættere på den samme smagsgruppe. Det betyder, at søgemaskinen i fremtiden vil ranke resultater højere, som er i samme smagsgruppe som dig. HTTP/HTTPS mulitplexer2009-03-03Determine if the request from a browser is a HTTP or a HTTPS request. If the request is HTTP: Give HTTP answer. If the request is HTTPS: Give HTTPS answer. This means running a HTTP and HTTPS server on the same port, so you can do: https://foo:80/ If a country blocks for port 443 then this may make it possible to use HTTPS in those countries. Widget for selecting element in lists by searching for substrings2009-03-02If you have a long drop down list you can find you can find elements by searching for substrings in the list: _______ b______ b f____ b f az_ bar bar barfoo foo baz bar baz bar baz foo bar barfoo barfoo foo baz foo -> foo bar -> fobar -> foo bar foo baz foo baz fobar fobarAt any time you can select one of the remaining elements in the list. This way the user can usually find short unique substrings to make the list be very small. Selecting element in lists by searching for substrings using few buttons2009-03-02This idea is an extension of the one above. Several devices have only few buttons (phones or ebookreaders). This makes it harder to enter the actual letters of the substrings. Instead of entering strings the user will enter a regular expression using the letters on the phone keys (2 = abc, 3 = def, 4 = ghi...). Instead of displaying the entered substrings, the regexpelements will be display vertically: 2 2 3 2 3 29 a a d a d ax b b e b e by _______ c______ c f____ c f cz_ bar bar barfoo foo baz bar baz bar baz foo bar barfoo barfoo foo baz foo -> foo bar -> fobar -> foo bar foo baz foo baz fobar fobarIn this case the regexps to match are [2abc] and [3def] and [2abc][9xyz]. Only elements on the list which matches all of these regexps will be listed. The key '1' is used to separate regexps. Delay live TV transmission when doing remote interviews2008-05-12When a person is interviewed on TV at a remote office, the answer is delayed around 2 seconds, as the question needs to be transmitteded to the interviewee and the answer needs to be transmitted back interviewer. If the whole TV transmission is delayed 1 second and the signal from the remote office is not delayed then the delay seen from the TV-viewer will only be 1 second. This will make less awkward pauses. Identification of music2005-08-16You probably know the situation where you hum a couple of seconds from a tune that you cannot remember neither lyrics nor title of. You would like to identify this tune and download it in full. This idea is humming the tune to a central server that has access to all tunes in the world. The server identifies the tune and returns the title. The humming can be done through a cell phone, a normal, VoIP, upload of sound file, flash or any way to send sound through the Internet. If more tunes matches this then the results will be listed as a web search. You can then either search through these or hum some more. When the music had been identified the title will be returned. Other information could also be returned: a sample of the tune, a link to a place to buy the tune, a link to a place to buy the lyrics, record informaion (such as author, producer, composer, and year). Some of this information is more suited for web than for phone access. Paid reindexing of websites2005-07-24If you want to document that a web page looked a certain way at a certain time the Wayback Machine can be useful. But only if the machine indexed the page at that time. However, Wayback Machine could offer the service of indexing an URL on demand. This service could cost USD10 per URL. This would help pay for Wayback Machine without compromising the idea. Search engines could offer the same service. If you have published a page with errornous information then you want the search engines to get the corrected information as soon as possible. By paying a small fee (USD10) per URL you can have your URL re-indexed immediately and thereby have the errornous information removed. Calendar with weather information2005-07-11Weather information is often known several days in advance. This information could automatically be imported into a calendar, so if you are planning a grill party this saturday, you can actually see the weather forecast. Phone and computer syncronisation2005-04-05A central server manages both phone, contacts, calender and e-mail. If the client workstation is locked (screen saver), turned off or the calender is marked "not available", then phones are redirected. The redirection can be another phone number or to voice mail. A new voice mail will be sent to the e-mailaddress. It can be listened to both by computer and by phone. When answering the phone the phone number is looked up in a contacts database. If not know a new entry is added. Information about the contact is displayed and can be altered. This will include links to emails and projects done with the contact. If the contact database is in a company the changes may need a supervisor to accept them to be permanent. Location based DNS2005-03-24If you have servers in several continents you want to have customers use the nearest server. This is because they will most likely get the fastest connection and the least latency and thus get the best expierence. One way to do this is having customers choose which continent they come from. This is a nuisance as a customer. A better way is to do this automatically. This can be done by looking at the IP-address of the HTTP-request, doing ping to the IP-address from each of the servers, and redirecting people to the given server. Another way is to look at the DNS. Most likely the client is located near the caching DNS-server. So when your authoritative DNS server gets a request then you can assume that the client is in the same continent as the DNS-server. For each DNS request look in a database. If the continent of the requesting DNS server is know, give the appropriate answer. Otherwise give a default answer with a short time to live (e.g. a minute). Then figure out in which continent the DNS server is located (e.g. by doing ping from each server) and update the database with the continent. The next request will then give the correct answer. It is mostly true that the IP-address of the caching DNS server will stay in the continent. To guard against moving IP-addresses, you can expire records in your own database (e.g. with a time to live of 1 month). Compressed frozen bread2005-03-21Frozen bread contains a lot of air. Often you want to put frozen bread in the oven and bake it for 10 minutes. In this case the air in the bread expands and leaves the bread. This effect can be used to compress bread before freezing: The compressed, frozen bread will contain very small amount of air, but when heated it will expand. This will save space in freezer - both at the supermarket and at home. Dynamic taxi service using cell phone2005-03-08You can order a taxi to pick you up. In Copenhagen this takes 5-20 minutes to get the taxi - normally around 10 minutes. But it is often faster to go to a road cross and look for a free taxi. It would be even faster if you could get a map of your current location (computed automatically by your cell phone) and have all the free taxis plotted in on the map. The map should update every 30 seconds, so it is possible to see, if a free taxi is coming your way. In version 2 it should be possible to click on a moving taxi and thereby reserve it for the next 10 minutes. This service will cost you EUR2, primarily to avoid abuse. Generic taste network2005-02-15Alot of my information is received through a filter called friends. My friends know me and know what I would probably like. However, they may not share my taste in everything. To solve this iRate does a good job at freely available music. Amazon was probably the first to introduce taste networks on the internet: "People who bought this book also bought that other book". I would, however, like to extend taste networks to other facets of life. If people that share my taste in music find a track they like, I might like it, too. You could also substitute 'music' with 'reading', and 'track' with 'book'. Or 'news' and 'article'. Or 'TV' and 'program'. Or 'movies' and 'movie'. Or 'traveling' and 'destination'. By collecting these preferences into a database you could get information whenever you needed to select something: What did people who often choose like you choose? Dynamic travel plan on cell phone2005-02-15You want to go from location A to location B using public transportation (PT). This is solved by www.rejseplanen.dk if the PT is on time according to the schedule. However, this is often not the case, which will make you miss a connection. If www.rejseplanen.dk was dynamically updated (e.g. with data from Byens Puls), then this could be better. But you still need an internet connection to see the data. Another reason for missing the connection is if you do not know where the track the train departs from or where the bus departs from. This can be solved by detailed maps of the switching area. My idea is to combine this with the location based service a cell phone provides: On the cell phone you simply enter your destination; your current location is taken as the source location. Then you will get a route plan (much like www.rejseplanen.dk) and a map of your approximate current location with a marker of the place where the bus/train will go from. You then walk to the place. Here you get a detailed map of where the PT stops. If the plan changes during the travel (either due to you missing a connection, delayed PT, queues, accidents or similar), you simply ask for a new route from you now current location. You pay for the service and can then use as much as you like for a couple of hours (ideally until you reach your destination). Voice and picture based email and addressbook2005-02-15Illiterate people cannot read. However, they can speak and recognize faces. Current software makes it hard for these people to send email as you often have to write an email-address without error and write or read the email. Using phone or video phone may not be feasable if the internet connection is bad. Solution: Emails should be sent as voice and a photo should be attached to the address book. Commonly used functions should be illustrated by clear pictograms. When a sender wants to send an email he presses the icon 'new mail'. Then he selects the receiver from a list of photos in his addressbook. Then he can optionally have is current photo taken with a web cam and attached to a business card in each email; or he han use an existing picture. Then he clicks 'start' and talks to the microphone. Clicking 'end' will play back his message. Clicking 'send' will it to the recipient. When the email is received it is presented in a list of received emails. The list shows the face of the sender (either the face in the current email or - if none present - the face from the address book) and possibly a subject. Clicking the email will open it, play it and possbly add it to the address book. When bandwidth will allow even small films can be sent. Location based encryption2004-12-06Problem: How to make sure data is only decrypted at a given location. Solution: Use the output from GPS as part of the key. If you use a conventional GPS device it has some weaknesses: You can use a device for generating data, that looks like GPS data and feed them into the decryption algorithm. This can be made harder if the decryption process requires an additional key that will be erased if the decryption fails. The additional key could be stored remote. If you make a tamper resistant GPS device which communicates using certificates then you cannot simply fool the decryption. Bittorrent-caching web clients2004-11-26Problem: How to avoid being slashdotted to death. Solution: An extension of the HTTP-protocol that allows clients to cache information for other clients. Similar to bittorrent. The server decides if the facility is available. The decision can be made dynamically dependant on server load. Chair with exercise bike2004-11-26Problem: We sit still way too much during the day and do not get enough exercise. Solution: A chair with pedals so you can do biking exercises without disturbing your other works. The seat will have to allow for moving of thighs. Keyboard and screen switched mobile phone2004-11-26Problem: If your mobile phone is small it is hard to operate with one hand. If you try pressing '#', the phone almost slips from your hand. Solution: Exchange display with keyboard, so 123 is at the very top of the phone and *0# roughly in the middle. You can easily operate the phone with the thumb without blocking the display. This can even just be done with a new keyboard cover and a software option, so the same hardware can be used. Mobile phone with vibrator "ringtones"2004-11-26Ringtones can depend on which event is happening: caller dependant ringtones, and a sms-ringtone. This can be extended to: sms-sender dependant ringtones, email-sender dependant ringtones (if your phone has email-access) and calendar event dependant ringtone. But ringtones should not only be sound. The vibrator should have different ringtones, too, so just by feeling the vibrator you can tell if the event is important or can wait till the meeting is over. Mouse with embedded scanner2004-03-19The problem: You want to copy some text or rough graphics from paper onto screen. You do not want to go to a scanner because it is not that much. The solution: Embed a scanner into a mouse. Press a magic key combination to activate the scanner in the mouse. Then move the mouse over the wanted area to scan it. This should work approcimately as easy as marking a text with a mouse. While scanning the scanned area will visible in a window from which it can be saved or copied into other programs. The area is automatically OCR'ed and the resulting text (if any) is presented in another window. Using cell phone cameras for identifying object using bar codes2004-03-01The problem: You want to identify a certain object (e.g. a product) that has a bar code. You do not carry special equipments but you have your cell-phone with embedded camera. The solution: You take a picture of the camera. Transfer the image to a computer (e.g. via GSM). The computer does a recognition and recognizes the barcode. Then the barcode is looked up in a database and the result is used for further processing - eg. reporting back to the sending phone. Cooled rack2003-05-02The problem: Today you need to cool a whole server room with an air conditioner - even if you only have a few servers. The solution: The basic idea is to put a rack into a refrigerator. The internal of the cooled rack is a standard 19" rack with a power line for connecting devices. The external will be a refrigerator with lockable double doors in front and lockable double doors in back. It should be fireproofed and soundproofed. It should be possible to physically secure the rack to floor or wall. The solution gives several advantages:
Challenge response authentication with public key2003-jan-9The problem: You want to authenticate a person using a password, but you do not want to store the password on neither the client nor the server. The faulty solutionOn the server keep a checksum (md5sum) of the password and erase the password. Send a random number to the client and have the client add this number to the checksum computed from the entered password on the client. Send the checksum (md5sum) of this sum back to the server.On the server compute the sum of the random number and the stored checksum. Compute the checksum (md5sum) of this sum. Is the computed checksum the same as the one recieved from the client?
The right solutionThe right solution includes public key cryptography. Usually this means that you have to carry your private key with you around, but in this situation this is not needed.Generate a pair of private key (PRI) and public key (PUB).
Harddisks of ceramics2002-aug-25Accordning to IBM a more rigid disk platter will increase drive robustness. IBM is making disk platters out of glass. However, instead of glass you might use an even more rigid material: ceramics. "Vaccum"cleaner based on static electricity2000-aprStatic electricity is good for collecting dust. If you have a device that can be charged then this device will be a good "vacuum"cleaner for places that might otherwise be hard to reach. Drinking glasses out of ice1995-junIf you make a drinking glass out of ice you will have a glass that keeps the drink cold, that is disposable and that is fun. The fun part is when you are in a bar and you buy a round for your buddies. They will have to drink up before the glass melts. |
Sidst ændret Sun Sep 6 08:46:50 2009 |