
Gentoo - compile time

Ca. 754 ord.

How long does it take to compile foo?

One of the most common gentoo questions is: How long does it take to compile a package and its dependencies?

First you will have to figure out what exactly will be compiled. The is done with '-p'. E.g. 'emerge -p kde'. When you have the list of packages that will be compiled you simply have to figure out the time each package takes to compile.

You can roughly estimate that the time depends on you CPU-speed. There is some disk i/o at the start of the compile and some disk i/o in the end. Mostly these are small compared to the time the CPU spends.

To make it possible to use the same data for different CPU-speeds we define a GIns as the number of instructions that a 1 GHz CPU executes within a second. This is roughly instructions. So a 1 GHz CPU will take 1 second to execute 1 GIns while a 500 MHz CPU will take 2 seconds and a 2 GHz CPU will take 0.5 seconds.

Here are my meassurement for compiling packages. Some of them are compiles several times which shows that these numbers are not entirely constant (E.g. qt. This is cause by an upgrade from version 2 to version 3).

Package GIns
ExtUtils-F77 4.52
ORBit 219.28
ORBit 219.14
ORBit2 213.92
ORBit2 214.36
PDL 260.52
PDL 261.12
Parse-RecDescent 6.36
PyXML 15.44
PyXML 15.36
SGMLSpm 2.48
SGMLSpm 2.76
XML-Parser 10.06
XML-RegExp 4.46
XML-RegExp 4.62
XML-RegExp 4.54
XML-Writer 4.54
XML-Writer 4.58
Xaw3d 51.54
Xaw3d 53.02
alsa-driver 277.1
alsa-lib 73.66
alsa-lib 74.76
ant 29.96
ant 29.98
apmd 5.34
apmd 5.46
arts 649.84
atk 36.16
atk 36.48
audiofile 70.68
audiofile 70.84
aumix 25.52
aumix 25.66
aumix 26
autoconf 20.04
autoconf 20.12
automake 26.2
avifile 456.06
baselayout 17.92
baselayout 17.92
bc 16.44
bc 16.88
bin86 9.82
bin86 9.8
bind-tools 125.9
binutils 338.32
binutils 572.74
bison 43.56
bison 43.66
blackdown-jdk 46.52
blackdown-jdk 46.02
bonobo-activation 97.36
bonobo-conf 239.16
bonobo-conf 240.24
bridge-utils 4.94
bug-buddy 39.04
bug-buddy 39.26
bzip2 12.86
cdparanoia 18.58
cdparanoia 18.66
cdrdao 96.2
cdrdao 98.44
cdrtools 136.72
control-center 216.98
control-center 344.48
control-center 353.54
cpio 14.74
cpio 14.74
cracklib 6.7
cronbase 2.34
cronbase 2.38
cronbase 5.2
cups 132.28
cups 132.08
curl 85.06
cvs 87.2
db 19.68
db 110.18
db 110.58
debianutils 3.84
debianutils 3.88
devfsd 5.16
dgs 198.4
dgs 200.22
dhcpcd 7.98
dhcpcd 7.84
dialog 18.98
dialog 19.22
diffutils 55.24
divx4linux 2.36
divx4linux 2.4
divx4linux 2.4
docbook-dsssl-stylesheets 3.5
docbook-dsssl-stylesheets 3.62
docbook-dsssl-stylesheets 3.58
docbook-sgml-dtd 2.56
docbook-sgml-dtd 2.62
docbook-sgml-dtd 2.7
docbook-sgml-dtd 2.56
docbook-sgml-dtd 2.58
docbook-sgml-dtd 2.6
docbook-sgml-utils 12.84
docbook-sgml-utils 13.04
docbook-xml-dtd 3.52
docbook-xml-dtd 3.46
docbook-xml-simple-dtd 2.4
docbook-xml-simple-dtd 2.44
docbook-xsl-stylesheets 14.54
doxygen 355.66
e2fsprogs 90.3
ed 15.04
emacs 180.68
emacs 181.12
epm 2.16
epm 2.14
esound 44.02
esound 44.14
evolution 2435
evolution 2483.92
expat 27
expat 27.34
expat 27.56
expat 60.94
fam-oss 33.82
fam-oss 34.62
fbset 4.2
fbset 4.08
fileutils 125.34
findutils 65.08
findutils 65.72
freefonts 3.3
freenet 2.52
freetype 44.62
freetype 69
freetype 68.98
ftp 7.86
gal 406.96
gal 407.16
gal 415.42
gawk 52.86
gcc 1037.44
gconf 128.12
gconf 130.6
gconf 131.52
gconf 131.5
gdb 291.42
gdb 289.92
gdbm 27.32
gdk-pixbuf 132.64
gdk-pixbuf 132.16
gdk-pixbuf 291.22
gdm 177.3
gentoo-sources 136.58
gentoo-sources 136.48
gentoolkit 2.98
gentoolkit 2.96
gettext 128.86
gettext 133.02
ghc 0.64
giflib 39.1
giflib 39.46
gimp 1204
gimp 1205.82
glib 67.54
glib 69.04
glib 133.36
glibc 3311.5
glibc 3329.52
glut 60.44
gmp 306.22
gmp 307.68
gmp 306.8
gnome-desktop 86.62
gnome-desktop 86.06
gnome-libs 606.44
gnome-libs 616.84
gnome-mime-data 21.88
gnome-mime-data 22.22
gnome-print 232.44
gnome-print 241.06
gnome-spell 46.3
gnome-spell 46.16
gnome-spell 45.98
gnome-vfs 284.78
gnome-vfs 288
gnome-vfs 294.2
gnome-vfs 285.04
gob 13.3
gob 13.32
gpc 397.24
gphoto2 234.18
gphoto2 235.62
gpm 26.28
gqview 56.76
graphviz 411.76
graphviz 411.62
grep 38.38
grip 51.16
grip 52.64
groff 111.14
groff 113.36
grub 47.4
grub 50.3
gtk+ 208.78
gtk+ 209.12
gtk+ 647.06
gtk-perl 458.58
gtk-perl 459.86
gtkglarea 49
gtkhtml 475.1
guile 177.68
gzip 20.9
gzip 20.86
host 6.9
host 6.98
id3lib 104.26
imagemagick 549.78
imagemagick 550.38
imlib 119.86
imlib 120.4
indent 13.54
indent 14.34
intltool 6.26
intltool 6.42
iptables 31.8
ispell 112.6
ispell 114.44
java-config 2.18
java-config 2.18
jpeg 53.44
kbd 21.9
kde 2.18
kde 2.1
kdeaddons 903.84
kdeadmin 330.72
kdeartwork 429.4
kdebase 4446.14
kdeedu 563.54
kdeedu 569.64
kdeedu 575.92
kdegames 1106.24
kdegraphics 742.38
kdegraphics 747.72
kdemultimedia 1961.6
kdenetwork 1079.22
kdenetwork 1079.78
kdepim 947.02
kdetoys 261.6
kdetoys 258.5
kdeutils 578.16
kemerge 125.9
kemerge 124.88
kio_fish 51.98
koffice 7886.86
koffice 7857.46
kvirc 1317.62
kvirc 1323.5
lame 94.6
lame 100.68
lcms 25.1
lcms 57.44
less 19.82
less 19.56
less 43.22
less 43.36
lib-compat 2.68
libIDL 31.36
libIDL 31.48
libao 26.32
libao 27.66
libart_lgpl 43.8
libart_lgpl 44.48
libbonobo 208.12
libbonobo 209.56
libbonoboui 446.04
libdv 73.78
libdv 73.5
libdvbpsi 32.64
libdvbpsi 33.06
libdvdcss 15.36
libdvdcss 15.76
libdvdread 22.86
libgd 13.5
libgd 13.62
libglade 73.96
libglade 51.66
libglade 52.4
libgnome 86.48
libgnomecanvas 85.84
libgnomecanvas 86.06
libgnomeui 373.2
libgnomeui 288.84
libgpio 22.64
libgpio 22.78
libieee1284 27
libmcrypt 142.34
libmikmod 77.86
libmng 55.3
libogg 13.14
libogg 13.74
libpcap 11.92
libpcap 11.92
libpcre 21.34
libpcre 21.32
libpng 30.76
libpng 30.46
librsvg 23.94
librsvg 24.16
libsdl 208.66
libswf 2.86
libswf 2.92
libswf 2.92
libtool 24.26
libtool 25.38
libungif 37.9
libungif 37.88
libunicode 16.5
libunicode 16.5
libusb 16.14
libvorbis 67.58
libvorbis 67.24
libwww 428.84
libwww 431.6
libxml 79.82
libxml 79.34
libxml 175.36
libxml2 142.24
libxslt 82.84
libxslt 86.28
linc 32.64
linc 32.62
linux-headers 71.74
linux-headers 72.32
lynx 168.72
lynx 170.64
m4 43.48
m4 45.02
m4 99.44
mad 58.34
mailbase 2.16
mailbase 2.2
mailbase 2.3
man 16.94
man-pages 20.44
mc 95.68
mc 96.08
mhash 47.46
mhash 47.84
ming 21.56
ming 21.36
miscfiles 7.44
mm 27.4
mm 27.46
modutils 20.72
mozilla 4589.64
mpeg-lib 10.6
mpeg-lib 10.6
mpg123 15.76
mplayer 272.24
mplayer 271.84
mtools 50.02
mtools 50.48
mtr 12.4
mtr 12.64
nasm 26.3
nasm 26.42
net-tools 26.08
netkit-base 6.62
netkit-base 6.98
netkit-telnetd 13.48
netkit-telnetd 13.46
netscape-communicator 9.1
netscape-flash 2.58
ngrep 7.94
ngrep 17.4
nmap 91.84
ntp 122.22
oaf 67.86
ogle 67.68
ogle 68.16
opengl-update 2.14
opengl-update 2.14
openjade 718.9
openjade 716.98
openldap 314.68
openldap 321.68
openmotif 568.04
openslp 53.14
openslp 53.6
openssh 112.3
openssh 112.1
pam 71.12
pam 70.74
pango 181.24
patch 14.82
pccts 31.8
pciutils 6.42
pciutils 6.46
pcmcia-cs 15.74
pcmcia-cs 15.78
pdflib 88.78
pdflib 89.14
php 288.64
php 298.68
pine 172.5
pine 172.24
pkgconfig 62.34
pkgconfig 140.4
popt 25.86
portage 11.34
portage 10.92
portmap 4.02
postfix 89.8
postfix 89.86
postgresql 388.7
ppp 26.32
procps 17.04
procps 16.86
psmisc 4.74
psmisc 4.8
pspell 52.18
pspell-ispell 14.56
pspell-ispell 14.66
pwdb 16.22
python 458
qt 1831.7
qt 2785.38
qt 2769.92
raidtools 6.9
readline 33.28
reiserfsprogs 36.92
reiserfsprogs 37.14
rpm 575.48
rpm 590.96
rsync 48.06
rsync 49.08
sablotron 139.38
sablotron 140.52
sane-backends 277.78
sane-backends 283.4
sash 7.56
sash 7.58
sash 7.64
screen 40.84
screen 41.62
scrollkeeper 81.66
scrollkeeper 84.32
sdl-mixer 67.18
sdl-mixer 67.34
sed 20.12
setserial 4.4
sgml-common 5.14
sgml-common 5.42
sh-utils 101.52
shadow 130.86
shadow 131.8
sharefonts 2.52
sharutils 20.2
sharutils 21.9
slang 69.2
slang 69.44
smpeg 70.78
sox 38.12
squirrelmail 8.44
squirrelmail 8.38
squirrelmail 8.54
strace 21.28
sudo 25.8
sudo 25.74
supersed 35.02
svgalib 193.24
sysklogd 5.54
sysklogd 5.52
t1lib 68.96
tar 59.98
tar 59.9
tcl 85.84
tcl 86.24
tcp-wrappers 7.68
tcpdump 39.7
tcsh 34.4
texinfo 63.24
texinfo 63.46
textutils 132.16
textutils 130.46
tiff 46.4
tk 131.16
tk 132.46
tuxracer 77.38
tuxracer 78.1
unixODBC 872.58
unzip 13.1
unzip 12.68
unzip 12.94
util-linux 62.24
util-linux 64.56
uw-imap 48.82
uw-imap 51
vlc 284.56
vorbis-tools 34.56
wget 39.26
which 14.78
which 15.64
whois 4.04
win32codecs 7.72
win32codecs 7.64
wine 1011.7
wireless-tools 19.16
xanim 53.44
xanim 53.44
xanim 53.24
xcdroast 40.04
xcdroast 40.26
xemacs 239.38
xemacs 244.48
xfree 4228.52
xfs-sources 97.74
xfs-sources 105.32
xfsprogs 157.98
xfsprogs 158.14
xmms 345.76
xmms 350.86
xpdf 67.42
xpdf 67.28
yacc 5.76
yacc 5.76
zip 12.22
zip 12.2
zlib 8.58

Sidst ændret Fri Nov 22 01:06:39 2002